Lisppaste XML-RPC support

As of version 2.2, Lisppaste now supports XML-RPC. The pastebot serves XML-RPC on port 8185 of There is a snippet of elisp that enables lisppasting directly from emacs.

The following methods are implemented:

newpaste channel user title contents [annotate-or-colorization-mode] - make a new paste to specified channel with given user, title, and contents. If annotate-or-colorization-mode is supplied and is a number, it will be taken as a number of a paste to annotate, in which case the channel must be equal to the original channel. If it is a string, it will be taken as a colorization mode to use.

pasteheaders number [start] - returns a list of lists describing the most recent number pastes on the system. Each list has (in order) the number of the paste, the time of the paste, the username, channel, and title of the paste, and the number of annotations for the paste.

pasteheadersbychannel channel number [start] - returns a list of lists describing the most recent number pastes in the supplied channel. The return type is the same as pasteheaders.

pasteannotationheaders number - returns a list of lists describing the annotations of the paste numbered number. Each list has (in order) the number of the annotation, the time of the annotation, the username, channel, and title of the annotation, and the number of annotations for the annotation (currently always 0).

pastedetails number [annotation] - returns a list describing the paste numbered number, or of the annotation of it numbered annotation. This list has (in order) the number of the past or annotation, the time it occured, the username, channel, title, number of annotations, and lastly the paste or annotation contents.

listchannels - returns a list of channels that the lisppaste bot is visible on.

If you are planning on running a lisppaste with XML-RPC support, you will need Sven Van Caekenberghe's XML-RPC package installed server-side; there is a xml-rpc-sbcl.patch file in the Lisppaste 2.2 distribution which allows it to run on SBCL. To enable XML-RPC, start the pastebot as normal and then load the xml-paste.lisp file, and start your XML-RPC server on your choice of port.

Erik Enge
Brian Mastenbrook
Last modified: Tue Apr 27 16:08:14 2004 EST